суббота, 9 июля 2011 г.

CloneLayer Tool - GIMP Plugin (UPDATED!)

I’m happy to introduce you to: "CloneLayer Tool"!
It's my first program written on C under GTK framework. I hope it will useful for you....

/* Last Update - CLT v0.2b
New features added: 
* - Colorize filter 
* - Noise Spread 
* - Drop Shadow 
* - Animation Options 
* - Blend layer with FG or BG (for animation) 
Plugin GUI change:
* - Additional/Output options was grouped to one expander 
* - Wrong move-step calculation after apply resize/rotation transformation - FIXED! 
* - and many others bugs was fixed, too! but new bugs found after new features added :( 
CLT-v0.2b is in beta testing and it makes a mess in GIMP Undo stack ! Please, save your work before apply this plugin, or * make duplicate image!